Further Information

Our History
In 2013, the Annual General Meeting of ECF approved the proposal to found and to launch the WCA at the Velo-city Global Conference 2014 in Adelaide based on the approved Terms of Reference. These Terms call for the establishment of an International Steering Board to oversee the development and governance of the Alliance.
There Terms require the WCA to be a truly worldwide network, with its governance represented globally, with one Steering Board member per continent.
In December 2018, the World Cycling Alliance was formally incorporated by the Belgium Ministry and registered as a not-for-profit International Association AISBL, with the inaugural Board established.
Member | Country | Region |
Thailand Cycling Club | Thailand | East Asia |
TWCI - Thailand Walking and Cycling Institute | Thailand | East Asia |
Pikala Bikes | Morocco | Africa |
Fietsersbond BE - Fietsersbond vzw - Flemish Cyclists’ Association | Belgium | Europe |
Fietsersbond NL - Dutch Cyclists’ Association | Netherland | Europe |
Flemish Cycling Embassy - Fietsberaad Vlaanderen | Belgium | Europe |
FPCUB - Federação Portuguesa Cicloturismo e Utilizadores de Bicicleta - Portugese Federation of Bicycle Tourism and Bicycle Users | Portugal | Europe |
FUB - Fédération Française des Usagers de la Bicyclette | France | Europe |
FUNBICI - Entidad para el Desarrollo del Cicloturismo y el Fomento de la Movilidad Sostenible, Funbici | Spain | Europe |
Future Bike CH - Der Verein Future Bike Schweiz | Switzerland | Europe |
GRACQ – Les Cyclistes Quotidiens asbl | Belgium | Europe |
Hellenic Urban Cycling Federation - HUCF | Greece | Europe |
HPV - Human Powered Vehicles (HPV) Deutschland e.V. | Germany | Europe |
Kosovo Advocacy and Development Centre - Qendra Kosovare për Zhvillim dhe Avokim | Kosovo | Europe |
Kyiv Cyclists' Association - Асоціація велосипедистів Києва | Ukraine | Europe |
L’Heureux Cyclage | France | Europe |
Latvian Cyclists’ Union - Latvijas Riteņbraucēju apvienība | Latvia | Europe |
LCC - Lithuanian Cyclists' Community - Lietuvos dviratininkų bendriją | Lithuania | Europe |
Let’s bike it! | Russia | Europe |
LHM - Icelandic Cyclists’ Federation - Landssamtok hjolreidamanna | Iceland | Europe |
Magyar Kerekparosklub - Hungarian Cyclists' Club | Hungary | Europe |
MAKETUSZ - Hungarian Cycling Tourism Association - Magyar Kerékpáros Turisztikai Szövetség | Hungary | Europe |
Marakli t’Biciklave - MB | Kosovo | Europe |
MUBi: Associação pela Mobilidade Urbana em Bicicleta - Association for Urban Cycling Mobility | Portugal | Europe |
Network of Finnish Cycling Municipalities - Pyöräilykuntien verkosto ry | Finland | Europe |
North Cyprus Bike Lovers Association - Bisiklet Severler Dernegi | Cyprus | Europe |
NSBI - Novi Sad Cycling Initiative - Novosadska biciklisticka inicijativa | Serbia | Europe |
Polish Association of Cycling Instructors - PZIR | Poland | Europe |
Pro Velo asbl - Pro Velo Belgium | Belgium | Europe |
Pro Velo Schweiz - Pro Velo Switzerland | Switzerland | Europe |
ProVelo.lu a.s.b.l. | Luxemburg | Europe |
PSWE - Pomeranian Association Common Europe - Pomorskie Stowarzyszenie | Poland | Europe |
PUMA - Polish Union of Active Mobility | Poland | Europe |
Pyoraliitto - Finnish Cyclists' Federation | Finland | Europe |
Radlobby Österreich - Bike Lobby Austria | Austria | Europe |
Rota Malta | Malta | Europe |
SCN - Slovenian Cyclists' Network - Slovenska Kolesarska mreza | Slovenia | Europe |
Sindikat Biciklista - Association Cyclists’ Union | Croatia | Europe |
SLF - Syklistenes Landsforening - Norwegian Cyclists’ Association | Norway | Europe |
Slovenský Cykloklub - Cyclists’ Club of Slovakia | Slovakia | Europe |
Stichting Europafietsers - Foundation Europe Cyclists | Netherlands | Europe |
Sustrans | United Kingdom | Europe |
TÜBİDEF - TUBIDEF | Türkiye | Europe |
Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Agency - TGA | Türkiye | Europe |
Velo-Ruse association | Bulgaria | Europe |
Cycling & Health Tech Industry R&D Center - CHC | Taiwan | East Asia |
National Bicycle Organisation Philippines | Philippines | East Asia |
Hyderabad Bicycling Club | India | South Asia |
Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust | Bangladesh | South Asia |
Bike Anjo | Brazil | South America |
Colectivo Siclas | Colombia | South America |
Despacio | Colombia | South America |
Rosario en Bici | Argentina | South America |
Vélo Canada Bikes | Canada | North America |
Vélo Québec Association for Cycling | Canada | North America |
A Contramano - Asamblea Ciclista de Sevilla - Cyclist Association of Sevilla | Spain | Europe |
ADFC - Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad- Club (ADFC) e.V - - German Cyclists' Association | Germany | Europe |
AF3V Association Française des Véloroutes et Voies Vertes - Greenways French Organisation | France | Europe |
AGR - Green Revolution Association | Romania | Europe |
Alanya Outdoor Sports Club | Türkiye | Europe |
Biciklo.me | Montenegro | Europe |
Centre for Environment | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Europe |
Cities for Cycling - Πόλεις για ποδήλατο | Greece | Europe |
ConBici: Coordinador en Defensa de la bici - Spanish bicycle defense coordinator | Spain | Europe |
Cycling Scotland | United Kingdom | Europe |
Cycling UK | United Kingdom | Europe |
Cyclist.ie - The Irish Cycling Advocacy Network | Ireland | Europe |
Cykelframjandet - Cyling Promotion in Sweden | Sweden | Europe |
Cyklokoalícia - Cyclocoalition | Slovakia | Europe |
Czech Cyclists Federation - Česká cyklofederace, z.s. | Czech Republic | Europe |
DCF - Danish Cyclists' Federation - Cyklistforbundet A/S | Denmark | Europe |
Dutch Cycling Embassy - DCE | Netherlands | Europe |
Enverçevko - Energy Efficiency and Environment Protection Association | Türkiye | Europe |
Estonian Urban Cyclists Union - Eesti Linnaratturite Liit MTU | Estonia | Europe |
European Cyclists' Federation | Belgium | Europe |
FBR - Romanian Cyclists' Federation - FEDERATIA BICICLISTILOR DIN ROMANIA | Romania | Europe |
FFF - Foreningen Frie Fugle - “Free Birds” Association | Denmark | Europe |
Fiab - Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta | Italy | Europe |
African Urban Cycling Union (AUCO) | Nigeria | Africa |
Bicycling Empowerment Network Namibia | Namibia | Africa |
Bicycling Empowerment Network South Africa | South Africa | Africa |
Bicycle Usage Promotion Study Group of Japan | Japan | East Asia |
Firefly Brigade | Philippines | East Asia |
Hong Kong Cycling Alliance | China | East Asia |
Formosa Lohas Cycling Association | Taiwan | East Asia |
Re-Cycle | Virgin Islands (UK) | Europe |
Velafrica | Switzerland | Europe |
Cycling Embassy of Denmark | Denmark | Europe |
Alliance for Biking and Walking | USA | North America |
BICIRED, Mexican National Urban Cycling Network | Mexico | North America |
Bicitekas A.C. | Mexico | North America |
La BC Kleta | Puerto Rico | North America |
One Street | USA | North America |
People for Bikes | USA | North America |
Bicycling Industries Association | Australia | Oceania |
BikeSA | Australia | Oceania |
Cycling Action Network | New Zealand | Oceania |
We Ride Australia | Australia | Oceania |
Aromeiazero Institute | Brazil | South America |
Fundación Biciacción | Ecuador | South America |
Laboratorio de Cambio Social – Cambiarnos | Chile | South America |
Pedaleando Alma | Colombia | South America |
TRANSPORTE ATIVO | Brazil | South America |
União de Ciclistas do Brasil | Brazil | South America |
All India Bicycling Federation (AIBF) | India | South Asia |
Centre For Rural Development (CRD) | India | South Asia |

Annual General Meetings
Every year we hold an Annual General Meeting for our members. To find our more contact agm@worldcyclingalliance.org
Our next AGM will be held on Monday 2 October 2023. You will need to register to attend online.